We found hundreds of patient education materials for outreach workers to use with farmworkers during health outreach.
We’ve learned that outreach workers are often looking for new ways to present health information to farmworkers.
These videos introduce TikTok as a tool for outreach workers. We talk about the search function, characteristics of a good video, and how outreach workers might use this app for farmworker health education.
Searching for and Evaluating Health Information.
What is TikTok? How is it used for health education? Learn the basics of using TikTok for health outreach.
TikTok Guide
In these two videos, get started on TikTok by familiarizing yourself with the app (left) and learning how to create a video (right). Both videos are in English with Spanish subtitles.
Finding up-to-date and trustworthy health information online is not always straightforward.
We created videos to help outreach workers build their skills in finding and evaluating health information.
Searching for and Evaluating Health Information.
¡Aquí está la versión en español!
Searching for and Evaluating Health Information (English)
Learn the basics of searching for and evaluating health information on the internet.
Búsqueda y evaluación de información de salud (Espanol)
Aprenda los conceptos básicos de la búsqueda y evaluación de información de salud en Internet.
Free consumer health resources
¡Aquí está la versión en español!
Free Consumer Health Resources (English)
Find free, high-quality sources of health information.
Recursos gratuitos para la salud del consumidor (Espanol)
Encuentre fuentes gratuitas y de alta calidad de información de salud.
Google Advanced Search
¡Aquí está la versión en español!
Google Advanced Search (English)
Utilize a familiar search engine to find more refined and trustworthy results.
Búsqueda avanzada de Google (Espanol)
Utilice un motor de búsqueda familiar para encontrar resultados más refinados y confiables.
Basic PubMed Searching
¡Aquí está la versión en español!
Basic PubMed Searching (English)
Make sense of a huge database of bioscience and life science resources.
Búsqueda básica de PubMed (Espanol)
Dar sentido a una enorme base de datos de recursos de biociencia y ciencias de la vida.